Volunteers packing the lorry
A fourth lorry packed with humanitarian aid for Ukraine left Keynsham on Saturday.
The lorry is on its way to Suceava in Romania, where the Keynsham-based charity Hope for Ukraine has a link with a pastor who arranges for the onward distribution of aid to the war-torn country. Almost everything in the charity’s latest 11-tonne load came from in or near Keynsham. It includes 1,200 food parcels and 10 pallets of flour and oil for the bread that is being baked by ovens on the front line.

Dillon the mascot with Elvira’s last jumper
Also on board are lots of tools mainly collected at local Repair Cafés, and clothes for children and babies. The charity’s mascot Dillon, who has been on all the journeys, will be giving Pastor Emmanuel the last jumper that a 97-year-old supporter ever made for Hope for Ukraine. Great-grandmother Elvira Goss lived in Hanham for many years and in her later life lived near Cardiff. Her daughter Sue, who still lives in Hanham, said her mother had sewed up the jumper the night before she went into hospital shortly before she passed away earlier this year.

Marie Jones, left, brought pizzas for the volunteers
The volunteers who packed the lorry at the weekend thank Marie Jones, from Bath-based Top Tier Services, who kindly brought along pizzas to keep them going.